Wireless Door Window Magnet Sensor Detector Alarm PIR
  • Wireless Door Window Magnet Sensor Detector Alarm PIR
  • Wireless Door Window Magnet Sensor Detector Alarm PIR
  • Wireless Door Window Magnet Sensor Detector Alarm PIR
  • Wireless Door Window Magnet Sensor Detector Alarm PIR
  • Wireless Door Window Magnet Sensor Detector Alarm PIR
  • Wireless Door Window Magnet Sensor Detector Alarm PIR
  • Wireless Door Window Magnet Sensor Detector Alarm PIR

Wireless Door Window Magnet Sensor Detector Alarm PIR


  • Description
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    It will work with alarm systems, compatible with most standard security system. Pull out the antenna of the magnetic detecto: when the door or window is opened from the closed position, LED 1 will turn to red for 2 seconds, the magnetic detector will be triggered and will send alarming signal to the main unit. Indication of low battery: When the voltage of battery is less than 7.5V, LED 2 will straightly turn on red light. At this time, you nee to immediately change the battery.


  • Work Distance: 300 meters
  • Input Voltage: 12V DC
  • Work Frequency: 433MHz
  • Encoding: Jump hat pin
  • Size: 71 x 36 x 15(mm) / 2.8 x 1.4 x 0.6(inch)
  • Oscillation resistance jump cap options
  • Power supply: Battery (12V DC included)
  • Work Frequency: 433MHz/315MHz (Please contact us to choose which Work Frequency you would like to receive)

Packing Included:

  • 1 x Wireless Door Magnet Sensor


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* Delivery Time.
We need 1-2 days to process your order before shipping.There are two shipping methoed. Fast Delivery: The delivery time for US, European countries the delivery will take 3-5 days.Slow Delivery: The delivery time for US, European countries the delivery will take 10-15 days.
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